Your Privacy Matters

When you click on "Accept All Cookies," you consent to saving cookies on your device. This enables us to enhance your user experience and manage data as outlined in our Cookie Guidelines.

Cookie Preferences

When you browse any section of the website, we may collect or access information through your browser, primarily via cookies. This data may pertain to you, your browsing habits, or your device, and is primarily utilized to ensure that the website functions as you anticipate. While this information generally won't identify you personally, it can help create a more tailored browsing experience for you. We value your privacy and give you the option to opt-out of certain kinds of cookies. Feel free to navigate through the various cookie categories to learn more and adjust your settings. Be aware that opting out of some cookies may affect your experience and the services we can provide.

Essential Cookies

Essential Cookies

These cookies are crucial for the proper operation of the website and can't be deactivated within our system. They typically activate in response to certain actions you undertake, such as setting your privacy options, logging in, or completing forms. These cookies are essential for executing services that you've requested. Opting out of these cookies isn't possible through our settings, but you can configure your browser to block or notify you about them. Be advised that doing so may disrupt some functionalities of the site. These cookies don't collect identifiable personal information.

Analytical Cookies

Analytical Cookies

These cookies help us monitor the website's traffic and performance so that we can fine-tune the experience for you. They let us identify the most and least frequented pages and track user navigation, aiding us in optimizing the site. The data collected is aggregated and remains anonymous. If you decide not to enable these cookies, we won't be able to use your data for performance improvement.

Functional Cookies

Functional Cookies

These cookies add extra features and customizable options to the website, enriching your user experience. They might be set by us or by third-party vendors providing services we've integrated into our site. Should you choose to disable these cookies, some or all of these enhanced functionalities may not operate as intended. - Privacy Policy

Updated August 2024
Revision: 11

Welcome to This privacy policy tells you how we collect, use, and share your information when you use our website. is run by Keyrune Incorporated, a company based in the US. By using our website, you agree to this Privacy Policy, our Cookie Policy, and our Terms of Service. If you don't agree, please don't use our website.

Our Promise

We only collect the information we need to run our service. Your privacy and security are crucial to us.

This policy explains:

Information Collection, Use, and Sharing

Keyrune Incorporated owns the information we collect on this site. We only collect information that you give us directly, like when you fill out a form or email us. We don't sell or rent this information to anyone.

We won't share your information with anyone outside our company unless we need to for our work.

We use "cookies" on this site. A cookie is a small file that helps us improve your experience on our site by remembering you when you come back. Cookies also help us understand how people use our site. Some of our business partners, like advertisers, may use cookies on our site, but we can't control these cookies.

This website has links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of those sites. We encourage you to read their privacy policies.

How We Collect Information

We collect information in two ways: directly from you and automatically.

Directly from You:

When you sign up for, participate in tournaments, or use our services, we collect information like your name, email address, and game-related IDs.

If you email us or use our communication tools, we collect that information too.

For tournament organizers and partners who use, we collect information provided by their staff with the consent of the individuals involved.


We use cookies and similar technologies to improve your experience, understand how our site is used, and make our services better. We collect data like IP addresses, browser types, and page views.

We use tools like Google Analytics and DataDog to understand how our platform is used. This data doesn't identify individual users.

Your Choices:

We want you to have choices about your data. We tell you what data we collect and why. You can choose to opt-out of some data collection.

Information from Other Sources:

Sometimes we get information about you from other places, like social media platforms and payment services. We only use this information to provide our services and follow strict privacy standards.

What Information We Store

We use forms on our site to collect and store information about you. Here's what we might store:

Personal Information: Other Information Linked to Your Personal Information

By default, your first and last names are not made public after creating your Melee account. However, you can choose to share this information on your public profile in your Melee account settings.

Who Helps Us Process Your Data

We use services from other companies to help run These companies may process your data for us. We carefully choose these companies and make sure they protect your data.

We recommend reading the privacy policies of these companies to understand how they handle your data.

By using, you agree to our use of these companies for processing your data.

Data Sharing with Tournament Organizers

We share some personal data with tournament organizers to run tournaments. Sensitive information like emails, age, and location are shared only if you give us permission during registration.

Personal Data Shared with Organizers:

If organizers create accounts on behalf of players, they must ensure players agree to our terms, conditions, and privacy policies.

Data Sharing with Wizards of the Coast LLC and Hasbro, Inc.

If you play in a MTG tournament supported by Wizards of the Coast LLC, we share your information with them as we do with tournament organizers.

Data Sharing with Ravensburger AG and The Walt Disney Company

If you sign up for the Lorcana Play program or play in a Lorcana tournament, we share your information with Ravensburger and Disney.

Data Sharing with Asmodee North America

By entering your Star Wars: Unlimited ID into your Organization settings, you agree to allow your Organization profile information to be shared with Asmodee North America. Upon registering for a Star Wars: Unlimited tournament, all data shared with tournament organizers may be shared with Asmodee North America.

Your Rights and Managing Your Data

Deleting Your Account and Data

You can delete your account or your child's information through our self-service tools. This will immediately remove the data from our platform.

Inactive Accounts

Accounts are inactive if they are closed, deleted, or suspended. We delete inactive accounts and their data one year after the last activity.

Children's Data Without Parental Consent

If we find out we have collected a child's data without parental consent, we will:

Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to oversee our data protection strategy and ensure compliance with GDPR. You can contact our DPO at

Legal Basis for Processing Data

Under GDPR, we process personal data based on the following legal grounds:

Children's Privacy

We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 without verifiable parental consent. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under 13 without parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. Parents can contact us to review or delete their child's information by emailing us at

Data Retention Policy

We retain personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including to satisfy any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. Specific retention periods for different types of personal data are as follows:

User Rights under GDPR

If you are a resident of the European Union, you have the following rights under GDPR:

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at

International Data Transfers

If we transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we will ensure it is protected by appropriate safeguards, such as Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission, or ensuring the recipient is Privacy Shield certified (for transfers to the USA).

Keeping Your Information Safe

We use encryption and other methods to protect your information both online and offline. Only employees who need the information to do their jobs have access to it. Our servers are kept in a secure environment.

Monitoring and Enforcement

We regularly check our data practices to make sure we follow this policy and the law. If we find any problems, we fix them right away.

How We Make Sure We Follow the Rules:

Regular Audits: We regularly check our data practices with audits.

Impact Assessments: We do assessments for new projects to find and fix any privacy risks.

If We Find a Problem:

We take immediate action if we find any issues.

Staff Training: We train our staff on privacy practices regularly.

User Complaints: We take user complaints seriously and investigate them promptly.

Breach Notification

In the event of a data breach that may pose a risk to your rights and freedoms, we will notify you and the relevant authorities within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach.

Third-Party Compliance:

We make sure third-party vendors follow our privacy standards and the law.

Access Management

We have procedures for managing user access to our systems, including password policies and access controls. We use multi-factor authentication to ensure only authorized individuals can access our systems.

User Data Encryption


We use SSL/TLS encryption to protect your data when it is being transmitted between your device and our servers.


We use encryption to protect data stored on our servers.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

We automatically create encrypted backups of our database, stored in secure locations, to recover data in case of an emergency.

Updates to Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. When we make changes, we will notify you by updating the date at the top of this policy and, in some cases, we may provide additional notice (such as adding a statement to our homepage or sending you a notification). We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting your information.

Updating Your Information

You can update most of your personal information on our site. If you need help, please contact us at

Removing Your Information

You have the right to delete your account and information from Melee. You can do this through your Profile Page. This will remove all your personal information but may not delete all content you created (like decklists and standings).

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or our data practices, please contact us at: